Maybe this will spur Congress to write explicit and unambiguous laws going forward.

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DownSizeDC had two bills that they were pushing to address this very issue: The Read The Bills Act, and The Write The Bills Act. Both were submitted to Congress and had co-sponsors but were later dropped. Very few politicians will vote to self-limit their powers.

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Great summary of a brilliant ruling. Between all of the SCOTUS decisions today and last night's debate, freedom has new life as America approaches its 248th birthday. Will ESG be wrecked for racketeering next?

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Minor point of clarification. In the 1st paragraph, you say "potentially leading to the reclassification of CO2 as a pollutant." In the final paragraph, you say "potentially declassifying CO2 as a pollutant." The 1st paragraph is not wrong but is misleading as it appears to say that CO2 is now going to be a pollutant.

The final paragraph clarified it for me and gave me a sigh of relief.

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Definitely good news!!

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And just like that, the gig is up. Goodbye poverty!

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If Mike Loper, Bill Bright and the people at Lund’s ever have to buy their own drinks the people in the bar better not know who they are!

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