Kudos to you and other writers for shifting opinions. Climate emergency is another grift like covid, weaponizing religious fear and guilt. We have far bigger problems to worry about today than the temperature potentially changing a bit in decades. Time to retire ESG.

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May 7Liked by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

I've often felt that the constant pronouncements of impending disaster would ultimately fail. But at what costs? We've lived through hundreds of these "chicken little" iterations from all sorts of scientific nuggets. Most proffered by charlatans but some by people who should know better. It seems to be human nature for one to extrapolate impending doom from current trends. Self defense encourages us to see the negative. The best approach appears to be to make investments in carbon reduction that also immediately improve living standards while expending resources on mitigation as needed. Thanks for the update. I appreciate your input and points of view.

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May 7Liked by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

The problem with polls like this is that the terms are ill-defined, or worse, not defined. The results become uninterpretable, or like a Rorschach test that can be interpreted in almost unlimited ways. We end up with opinions about a collection of opinions of an unknown population that includes an unknown proportion of uninformed and opinionated people.

The first chart is titled "AMERICAN ATTITUDES ON CLIMATE CHANGE BY AGE". Two subsections of the chart are titled "VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM" and "SUPPORT GOVERNMENT ACTION". This chart in itself reflects the attitude of the pollsters, that climate change could be a serious problem and that serious problems require government action. It appears the population is split on both questions but trending down.

Earth's climate changes, it has in the past and it will in the future. The changes are the result of many causes. Human activities are among the causes, but the entire biosphere impacts climate and its changes. The sun, the oceans, geology, orbital mechanics, and even galactic motions impact climate change.

Could it be that the human influence is mostly positive? Could a warmer climate have benefits that outweigh the negatives? Is the presumed climate crisis actually a climate blessing? What is an ideal global climate? Can humans achieve a perfect climate? Can humans even agree upon an ideal global climate?

I'm delighted to see the trend in the polling. Thanks for sharing. 

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May 7Liked by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

I appreciate your data-driven approach regarding climate policy. The economic weakness in Germany as a consequence of climate alarmism is a warning to other nations. Here's what the E.U. says: "Economic activity in Germany is estimated to have contracted by 0.3% in 2023, as projected in autumn. Private consumption suffered from a loss in purchasing power. High building and borrowing costs on top of labour shortages and elevated energy prices depressed investment in construction and energy-intensive sectors." https://economy-finance.ec.europa.eu/economic-surveillance-eu-economies/germany/economic-forecast-germany_en A safe bet is that alarmist rhetoric is tied to a desire to increase funding for the special interest's preferred solution.

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May 7Liked by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

Remarkable how a bit of hunger and the threat of homelessness focuses the mind.

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May 8Liked by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

Well done! Everyone should read this

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May 7Liked by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

I have lived through "the coming ice age" of the 80's and 90's and don't forget the ozone hole that was going to kill all of us. Yes the earth cooled after the age of the dinosaur, then we had the ice age, then we had warming once again. Was that due to humans?

The United States could reduce emissions to zero and it would not make a difference especially with what is happening in China and India. We have already significantly reduced our emissions by conversion to natural gas for a significant percentage of our electrical and heating power.

When you take productive farm and forest land out of production to lay down hundreds of thousands of acres to put solar panels - reducing food producing crops and forest that absorbs CO2 and sequesters the Carbon into the soil does that make sense?

The whole Climate Change and the Earth is ending is a farce. Yes The climate does change from day to day and decade to decade. What is the effect of earth's axial tilt as it relates to decade to decade climate change. Yes Climate Change is an irrational fear !

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