I have had enough of Chicken Little's banter.

THese so called "climate scientists" are lying grifters. The amplification of their postulations continues to dilute the feeble few drops of credibility that the MSM once had.

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Its used as bait to get funding for sure.

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Amen. What you said. And don't forget the late Dr. Bill Gray, and what Al Gore did to him.

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Ken, I just know that GORE is a nasty bit of work but not sure what he did to BILL GRAY but can imagine it would be nasty and evil!?

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Dr. Gray (Colorado State University) was the world's premier hurricane forecaster. No one else had the accuracy that he did.

Of course, he had government grants funding his work. Because America has a large agricultural sector that relied on his forecasts.

Then Al Gore, already a priest in the Global Warming religion, was sworn in as Vice President. He organized a meeting of scientists, and Gray was invited.

Gray wrote back and said, "I'll attend, but you won't agree with my views on global warming" or something like that.

Next thing he knew, his grants for hurricane research were gone. Evaporated. He had no funding for his research.

It took about five minutes for this news to get around the atmospheric science community: if you wanted to do research, your results had better agree with the views of the Vice President.

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Ken; I saw a video where 3 people that were involved in teaching climate etc said their career had been lies but went along with the narrative or their funding would have been cut. Two were American and other was from Norway or Sweden I think!?

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I used to just roll my eyes whenever the corporate media sensationalized perceived changes in weather patterns, but now I pay them no attention whatsoever.

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You continue to ignore the reason some kinds of fear become mass delusions: IMAGINED HUMAN COLLECTIVE GUILT. There are many potential events and trends that humans could be fearful of ranging from asteroid impact to the explosion of the sun. History shows that to propagate world wide delusion, humans have to believe that it's all their fault: eg: "Christ died for our sins!". Climate change is known to be influenced by many factors over millennia. But only CO2 emissions by humans ticks the essential box of GUILT.

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This article is DOGE worthy. Please forward your work to DOGE and have them scrub the grants going to these frauds. It's time to force these so called "researchers" to get their act together by chocking off their funding sources.

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While not a scientist I have read many, many books on the topic of climate. I’ve read books by climatologists, engineers, environmentalists, geologists, meteorologists, paleoclimatologists, philosophers and even one biologist. They all have something to offer that has help build a picture of what is really happening as it relates to climate. Not surprising it’s about the money. Carbon dioxide is a trace gas vital to the health of the planet. Declaring it a pollutant was done so politicians could tax that which was creating more of it, fossil fuels. This gave them cover as they claimed to be ‘saving the planet’. The academics promoting this became stars at the universities not because what they published stood up to scrutiny but because of the money that came flooding into the university in support of these scientists. I’d wager that if DOGE looked they’d find the money was coming from the government. Academically it became a cozy club in which ‘the science’ didn’t really matter. The members of the clique did peer reviews of one another’s papers and life was good. If someone spoke out, they are silenced as has happened to you. The problem is it’s now been far too successful and it’s threatening western civilization with bankruptcy. Germany and Britain are the canaries in the coal mine and it's not pretty. Add in what’s been going on in some of the larger BRICS countries in the areas of trade and finance and we may soon be at a tipping point, this one financial. I expect a major shock to the economy within the next year. (BTW I think we're now in a period of cooling based on a weak polar vortex over the last few years that has allowed heat from the lower latitudes into the polar region where it escapes to space. Just sayin'.)

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I know I have said this before...the climate "science" malfeasance is only the ...tip of the iceberg..(pun intended).

We are seeing this across the board in the sciences...think medical/pharmaceutical....I too wonder-- where are all of the Drs/scientists that point out the obvious errors & mistakes in these studies???

We definitely need a Make Science Great Again effort!!😊

Thank You for your work Dr. W.

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I was chairman of the editorial board for a non-technical state professional magazine. From that perch, I had a glimpse of the review process. If these organizations are structured similar to our board, it's a wonder any results not fitting a narrative ever get published. It would take a strong technical editor to even assign "unfavored" submissions to reviewers, much less reviewers that would provide an unbiased account. Technical, scientific publications may have safeguards for this of which I'm not cognizant, but based on my experience, the odds of an opposing result being published are small. Add to that the granting process, which suffers from the same issues. If my observations are correct, we need to develop more open granting and review processes to circumvent the publication gatekeeper effect. Our board didn't have to grapple with these issues mainly because we steered clear if political content and adhered to a mantra of informing our professional members on profession issues. But that shouldn't imply we would have been immune.

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I’ve long called it pseudoscience clickbait (™) so that <blank> Studies majors working in pseudo journalism can grab the information which they barely understand and proclaim, “this study shows…”

Much to the chagrin of actual scientists with 20+ years in the particular field.

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Are there other examples of misrepresentation you can cite?

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Decades ago I was told that parts of LONDON/NEW YOURK/MIAMI would be under water!? For yours I have asked where would the water come from!? The area of ice is minuscule compared to the ocean and seas coverage so it would only rise very little if all the ice melted---YES/NO?--WROTE THE FOLLOWING BEFORE!?-----In the past SATANIC PEOPLE like the ROYALS/AL GORE etc have predicted climate disasters that have never happened!? I find it evil and fear/scare mongering!?

Taken from the latest WHITE ROSE book---THE GREEN CHEAT---There shall be no ice left and no polar bears etc, well the polar bears never took the fur coats off to do a bit of sun bathing and are still freezing! The ice and polar bears are still there!

BOOK—-THE GREEN CHEAT—-Can be bought direct from THE WHITE ROSE or ordered at WATERSTONES.

I have 5 pages in it! CAN I CALL MYSELF AN AUTHOR!?

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