If Trump nixes this one government rule it could unravel the entire climate-change hoax – “This one fake-science theory underpins the entire green agenda.” – Leo Hohmann
Yes, there will be a tsunami of resistance to an action that would entirely upend the climate laws and regulations that are now taken for granted. Even the oil and gas industry would probably fight this, as stupid as that sounds, so that they can continue to earn money by "solving" the problem with carbon capture and storage. But this one key change, which might have to be legislated to make it stick around, would put us back to saner times where choices would be made based on benefits, not government compliance, government support, and not on postulated threats to our existence. I can hardly wait to see it happen.
Bravo. Well said. Get that judgement rescinded then the USA will be a much freer place. There will be a powerful reaction, but just a few words ought put them down. Get that done, then question the ability of its allies to ‘perform’ whist under even more grotesque laws and regulation plans. uK must be the first hit!!!
I believe you are absolutely correct, and I agree with Justice Scalia. Real problems and real issues, like malaria, tuberculosis, and millions of people per year dying of starvation, don't get addressed because the CO2 cultists have squandered trillions of dollars on this farce. The CO2 climate cult has a hell of a lot of blood on their hands.
Very glad you wrote this. Hopefully reason and honesty will prevail and push aside all irrational fears. However, some may take the fact that human pieholes emitting 40,000 ppm of CO2 per exhale somehow warrants a "culling of the herd". Now look what you started!
Go on the offensive. Send a copy of this to every member of Trump's Cabinet, and a copy to every member of Congress and get it published in every major newspaper in the country. Create a firestorm of truth about CO2.
“Scrap it all’ was my initial reaction too but on the YouTube Climate Realism Show #147 at about the 42 minute mark David Legates was of the opinion that deleting the endangerment finding raised a different set of issues. He thought it would be better to retain the endangerment finding but edit it based on the science that has taken place in the 16 years since CO2 was declared a pollutant. Regardless Zeldin’s decision I doubt it will survive if that is, in fact, what is done. This is grounded on my opinion that the entire basis for declaring CO2 a pollutant was so fossil fuels could be taxed by governments, state and Federal. Whenever the opposition party regains power, any changes will be reversed. It’s a much larger issue than CO2 or the endangerment finding. The Jekyll and Hyde governing of the US is a great concern to other nations that simply cannot continue to chart their own course in such a turbulent US political environment.
This is a great one; a true tour de force. The emperor has no clothes, all Mr. Zeldin need do is admit the obvious and bask in the glow of the exploding heads of the climate alarmists.
One mans opinion, freely given and worth ALMOST that much.
On those occasions when Joe & Jane six pack pay attention to his (greenhouse effect/global warming/climate change/climate crisis) t becomes another 80/20 issue. Most people are not buying it anymore. + they're tired/pissed off at roads being blocked by protestors. The LA fire did not help the Greens either.
I'm hoping you have sent this letter directly to Lee Zeldin's office?
Leo Hohmann wrote about this as well in an article I linked on Friday @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/2025/02/28/94830/
If Trump nixes this one government rule it could unravel the entire climate-change hoax – “This one fake-science theory underpins the entire green agenda.” – Leo Hohmann
Will be linking your take today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
Yes, there will be a tsunami of resistance to an action that would entirely upend the climate laws and regulations that are now taken for granted. Even the oil and gas industry would probably fight this, as stupid as that sounds, so that they can continue to earn money by "solving" the problem with carbon capture and storage. But this one key change, which might have to be legislated to make it stick around, would put us back to saner times where choices would be made based on benefits, not government compliance, government support, and not on postulated threats to our existence. I can hardly wait to see it happen.
Imagine the screeching panic in the halls of the Climate Change Cult if the "red letter" on CO2 was removed.
Bravo. Well said. Get that judgement rescinded then the USA will be a much freer place. There will be a powerful reaction, but just a few words ought put them down. Get that done, then question the ability of its allies to ‘perform’ whist under even more grotesque laws and regulation plans. uK must be the first hit!!!
I believe you are absolutely correct, and I agree with Justice Scalia. Real problems and real issues, like malaria, tuberculosis, and millions of people per year dying of starvation, don't get addressed because the CO2 cultists have squandered trillions of dollars on this farce. The CO2 climate cult has a hell of a lot of blood on their hands.
Very glad you wrote this. Hopefully reason and honesty will prevail and push aside all irrational fears. However, some may take the fact that human pieholes emitting 40,000 ppm of CO2 per exhale somehow warrants a "culling of the herd". Now look what you started!
Go on the offensive. Send a copy of this to every member of Trump's Cabinet, and a copy to every member of Congress and get it published in every major newspaper in the country. Create a firestorm of truth about CO2.
Excellent essay!
“Scrap it all’ was my initial reaction too but on the YouTube Climate Realism Show #147 at about the 42 minute mark David Legates was of the opinion that deleting the endangerment finding raised a different set of issues. He thought it would be better to retain the endangerment finding but edit it based on the science that has taken place in the 16 years since CO2 was declared a pollutant. Regardless Zeldin’s decision I doubt it will survive if that is, in fact, what is done. This is grounded on my opinion that the entire basis for declaring CO2 a pollutant was so fossil fuels could be taxed by governments, state and Federal. Whenever the opposition party regains power, any changes will be reversed. It’s a much larger issue than CO2 or the endangerment finding. The Jekyll and Hyde governing of the US is a great concern to other nations that simply cannot continue to chart their own course in such a turbulent US political environment.
This is a great one; a true tour de force. The emperor has no clothes, all Mr. Zeldin need do is admit the obvious and bask in the glow of the exploding heads of the climate alarmists.
One mans opinion, freely given and worth ALMOST that much.
On those occasions when Joe & Jane six pack pay attention to his (greenhouse effect/global warming/climate change/climate crisis) t becomes another 80/20 issue. Most people are not buying it anymore. + they're tired/pissed off at roads being blocked by protestors. The LA fire did not help the Greens either.