Sep 8Liked by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

It is anecdotal but I have been diving off Jupiter Florida for 12 years now. We drift dive in the western edge of the gulf stream. I use a dive computer that records depth, temperature, O2 and Nitrogen etc. I dive the same reef systems at the same time of year varying in depth from 66 to 100 feet. I have records of the temperature at the same time of year at each reef and the depths of the reef. Temperatures at depth now are consistent with 2014-2015. They have varied over the years by about 2 degrees F max both hotter and colder. Depths to the reefs are consistent according to my computer. The reefs are in good shape, save for the sedimentary pollution from the land. Seems about the same number and type of apex predators, sharks and goliath groupers. The seas are boiling paranoia is simply not true off the coast of Jupiter. The ocean is a complex ecosystem, anyone who spends time underwater understands that intimately.

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This is good to hear. I would love to share your observations if you would be willing?

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Sep 9Liked by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

Sure - be my guest.

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Sep 8Liked by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

A large segment of the corporate media is invested in the alarmist narrative. Listening to reason is not likely to occur among the scientific illiterate and innumerate ignorati who drive those organizations.

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In the process of understanding the Florida current I was looking at various maps of the flows in the Gulf and in the Atlantic Ocean. One of the maps which was a close-up of the currents around the southern half of Florida had a dotted line on it marked "BFZ." It ran roughly southeast to northwest from the edge of the map to the gulf side of Florida, meaning it crossed part of the ocean and southern half of Florida. I googled BFZ about 10 different ways and found nothing indicating what BFZ means. Anyone on here know what that is? Probably completely irrelevant to my understanding of the Florida current, but it bugs me that I can't find it anywhere.

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One possible option for BMZ could be the following:

Biosphere Reserve Zone: An area designated for conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.

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Thanks for the input. The only thing I could find was Baiu Frontal Zone, which is a weather or climate zone in East Asia. Didn't seem to apply to a dotted line in Florida. Cheers!

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